Surrealistic paintings, born by sketching some tattoo ideas.

Negative Creep
Oils (and mixed media) on canvas

This painting's born strange.
I've initially planned to partially cover the face, but then i realized i liked it too much to hide those eyes.
I feel connected, captured by the androgenous style: maybe the majority of people would call it "strange".

Come closer and dig into the intense look, you'll find out every little angry and caothic brushstroke behind simple beauty.

PS: the QR code works! Discover where music can lead you.

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Play the video with audio on and discover where music can lead you.

Oils on cardboard

Daruma are good luck talismans.
The true meaning of Daruma is as a reminder of self-perseverance, focus, and discipline, having a talisman that serves as a reminder of your own life goals.
Drawing in the eye of the Daruma is not a wish; it is a promise to yourself that you will follow your dream and achieve your goal, whatever obstacles may come your way and whatever pitfalls you might have to climb out of as you continue along your journey.
When you'll finally achieve your goal, you can give your Daruma the total vision, painting the other eye.

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Oils on cardboard

I felt myself cut in half and i wish i had some tools to keep my sides united.

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Voodoo Doll
Oils on cardboard

"Maybe next time you'll not act like a voodoo doll: face your problems, don't pretend they come by magic!"

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